Greetings! +IBM MAXIMO gives you ability to use multiple languages like Spanish , Portuguese, Chinese , Korean , French etc other than English , if your Maximo environment is global and have users across the globe. Importing a new language in Maximo can be done by TD Tool kit. TD took kit stands for Translation Data Toolkit. The Translation Data Toolkit is used to translate the Maximo database and handling Multi Language functionality. The TDToolkit is located under the {Maximo_install}\tools\maximo directory. The process to import new language is a 3 step activity- 1. Take Maximo down by stopping application servers. 2. Export Labels in XLIFF file format 3. Translate the XLIFF file 4. Check for error and import translated XLIFF files. 5. Validate and start Maximo. Export Labels in XLIFF file format - In Maximo directory , XLIFF files store all the translations for different tags related with a MBO or database table. In order to expor...
This blog is all about Maximo & Reliability. In this blog focus to provide details of new solutions in Maximo and to also demystify Maximo.